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15-04-16 09:53:31   来源:    点击:
English Reading & Expressing Activity
设计教师:广东省梅州市曾宪梓中学   邹俊芳
Email: gdmzsusan@163.com   Tel: ***********
课题名称:English Reading & Expressing Activity
课型:Reading & Expressing
教材版本:普通高中课程标准试验教科书 (必修5)
本节课以Reading and Expressing为主题,旨在通过本节课的活动教学培养学生的阅读兴趣、阅读策略及口头和笔头表达能力,大胆尝试把课堂交给学生由学生来唱主角,老师甘当配角,指导学生进行小组合作学习(全班分为6个学习小组,正、副组长各1人),加强学生的团队合作精神,提高自主阅读和自主探究学习的意识和能力。
1. 语言知识(Knowledge objectives)
a) Important words
fluently, composition, efficient, foundation, achievement, persist, persistence, persistent, persistently, challenging, hallmark, take (no) notice of, respectful, obstacle, disgraceful, destined, enthusiastic, complain
b) Important sentence patterns
  1. To be chosen to represent their country is the highest honor for most athletes.
  2. Nowadays more and more people in China have found it’s high time to cultivate a thankful heart for the good others do.
  3. The headmaster had been away for the day, being a man who disliked the sight of changes.
  4. Rome is not built in a day.
  5. Enthusiastic people also love what they do, regardless of money, title or power.
  6. Life goes on, so you might as well go with it and get closer to the kind of character and life you want.
  7. You can’t push anyone up a ladder unless he knows he can climb himself.
  8.  You cannot burn the candle at both ends.
2. 语言技能(Ability objectives)
    Enable the students to find out useful words and sentences while reading and analyze the structures in English.
Improve students’ ability of reading and form a habit of getting information or solving questions in English.
3. 情感态度(Moral objectives)
    Encourage students to maintain the great interest of learning English under the influence of achievement.
   Cultivate students’ team work.
4. 学习策略(Strategy objectives)
Instruct students to solve problems with the help of their group members, teacher, and even dictionaries.
Enable students to use five words chosen from reading materials to make an essay of five sentences.
5. 文化意识(Cultural objectives)
   Enable students to become aware of explanation differences between English and Chinese.
(四)Teaching important points 教学重点
Analyze the sentence structures in English.
Make good use of new words from reading materials.
(五)Teaching difficult points 教学难点
How to use the new words to write an essay with five sentences.
(六)Teaching aids 教具准备
A projector, 22 slides, a microphone, and a teaching stick.
使用多媒体教学,从网上下载幻灯片背景图,用于区别6个小组呈现的内容。搜索一首班得瑞钢琴曲和一首英文歌,剪辑Snow White 5分钟片段,制作PowerPoint课件呈现教学内容(即:每个小组挑选出来的2个句子和用5个单词合作写成的一篇5句话的作文),增加教学的直观性,使教学节奏紧凑,信息量充足,以便刺激学生获取信息的多种感官,调动学生的学习积极性,创造英语氛围,提高学生学习英语的效果。
(七)Teaching procedures && ways  教学过程与方式
1. 引入主题及热身:(2 minutes)
T: Welcome to my class. Today is a special day because I have invited 3 English teachers to our class to appraise your group work and a photographer is videoing our whole class. Are you nervous?
Ss: Yes.
T: I’m not nervous and you don’t need to be nervous either. As far as I know, you have made good preparations. Right?
Ss: Yes.
T: Now, calm down. And look at the computer screen. Title of this class : English Reading and Expressing Activity. Next, I’ll introduce the activity steps for this class.
 1). Discussing & presenting sentences
 2). Discussing & presenting essays
 3). Appraising work
2. Step one ( Discussion 3 minutes, Presentation 15 minutes )
      T: Last week we did so much reading in and out of class. Now discuss in groups which two sentences are worth learning together and present them group by group (six groups).
3. Step two ( Discussion 3 minutes, Presentation 17 minutes )
T: While reading, you must have learned a lot of new useful words.
  Now discuss how your group can improve the essay which is written by using five useful words chosen from your reading materials. Then present the essay group by group.
4. Step three ( 5 minutes )
   T: Invite our guest teachers to appraise each group’s work. Based on the marks given by the teachers, only one group will win first prize, second prize will go to two groups and the rest will get third prize. While waiting for the result, let’s enjoy a short part of a film.   
Announcing the result of appraising work:
The first prize : Group 6
The second prize : Group 3 and Group 4
The third prize : Group 1, Group 2 and Group 5
项目     组别 Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6
Part1 (30)分            
Part2 (40)分            
总    分            
奖          状
__________ 同学: \ Dear __________ ,
      You have won _______ prize in the activity of Senior Two
______ 等奖,特发此状。
English Reading and Expressing. Congratulations!
T: Thank you for your work. Through this class, I hope you can develop English learning as your hobby. Enjoy English reading, enjoy your life. That’s all for this class.
教学反思( Teaching reflection ):
(1)根据两大环节的小组讨论情况和各组代表上台呈现的  教学内容的表现,老师完成了教学任务,实现了教学目的。学生能掌握本节课的三个教学目标:掌握重点词和句的用法;提高阅读技能,掌握阅读策略,体验阅读乐趣;学会用5句话写成一篇文章。
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上一篇: 论文--跨文化意识
下一篇: B6 U3 A Healthy Life 教学设计

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