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B6 U3 A Healthy Life 教学设计
15-04-16 09:50:58   来源:    点击:
Book 6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life
The 3rd period: Learning about Language教学设计
设计教师:梅州市曾宪梓中学   邹俊芳
课题名称:Book 6 Unit 3  A Healthy Life
         Learning about Language
课型:Word consolidation and Learning grammar
教材版本:普通高中课程标准试验教科书 (选修6)
1. 巩固词汇训练:传统的方法是老师以作业的方式要求学生课前完成练习,课堂上一起对答案。学生会依赖课本,边做题边翻书。新的巩固词汇教学法是课堂上要求学生限时完成,注意理解Ex.1中每个句子的意思及Ex.2中篇章结构内容,
2.复习归纳代词it的用法:第一步让学生找出Reading中it的句型; 第二步引导学生归纳it的用法(it的基本用法,常用的it is…句型及固定搭配),用Brainstorming的方法,对重点句型边归纳边进行口头操练,避免填鸭式的老师讲、学生抄,转变成学生为主体的语法教学课; 第三步要求学生利用前两步所学的内容做句型改写练习,进行实战演练,提高随堂效果,减轻学生课后负担。
本节课教学内容是Learning about Language,分为Word consolidation 和 Learning grammar两部分,旨在通过教学使学生巩固Reading中所学的重点词汇,找出Reading中it的句型,归纳it的用法,掌握运用it,从而达到本单元语言学习的目的。
       1. Discovering useful words and expressions 通过使用Reading中的词汇完成句子和短文填空,训练学生在平时的英语学习中注意“词不离句,句不离文”的原则,激发学生对词汇学习的积极性,为随后进行的听、说、读、写打下基础。  
       2. Discovering useful structures 通过寻找Reading中的it句型,引导学生进入本节课的重点语言学习,注意力要集中。
       3. 归纳总结学生学过的it的用法,查缺补漏,培养学生自主探究能力。通过口头与笔头练习,结合日常生活,引导学生掌握重点、解决难点。
1. 语言知识(Knowledge objectives
a) Important words and phrases(重点词汇)
  automatically, adolescent, pressure, addicted, illegal; smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, in spite of, get into the habit of, take risks, feel like,
b) Important sentence patterns (重点句型,以下句子是常考的it的用法,要求学生课后背诵)
1. It rains heavily.
2. It is 20 kilometers from Granddad’s house to James’.
3. It is November 11, 2005.
4. It is 9 o’clock at night.
5. It is bad to smoke.
6. It is no good smoking.
7. It is likely that he will succeed.
8. She feels it her duty to help others.
9. He made it clear that he didn’t want to talk about it.
10. It is human activity that has caused this global warming.                
11. It was Jim Brown who\ whom\ that you should ask.
12. It is necessary for us to work hard at English.
13. It is honest of you to tell me the truth.
2. 语言技能(Ability objectives
Enable the students to master the use of “it”. (引导学生掌握“it”的用法)
Improve students’ ability of conclusion and analysis. (提高学生的概括和分析能力)
3. 情感态度(Moral objectives
       Encourage students to maintain the great interest of learning English under the influence of achievement. (鼓励学生努力学习,取得进步,保持对英语学习的兴趣。)
4. 学习策略(Strategy objectives
Help students to master the use of “it” in different situations. (引导学生掌“it”在不同语境中的用法)
Enable students to use “it” to describe the vivid pictures and rewrite the sentences.
5. 文化意识(Cultural objectives
   Enable students to live a healthy life. (引导学生过健康有益的生活)
(四)Teaching important points 教学重点
   Master the use of “it”. (掌握“it”的用法)
   Make good use of “it” in different patterns. (在不同句型中灵活运用“it”)
(五)Teaching difficult points 教学难点
How to use “it” correctly and vividly. (如何准确生动地运用“it”)
(六)Teaching aids 教具准备
A projector and some slides. (多媒体投影仪和PowerPoint幻灯片)
(七)Teaching procedures & ways  教学过程与方式
1. 引入主题及热身:(3 minutes)
通过问题:1) How does James’grandpa advise James to quit smoking?
          2) How many important words can you learn from the reading?
引出大家对Reading中重点词汇的回忆,从而过渡到 Discovering useful words and expressions。
2. 让学生分别用5分钟和3分钟完成Ex.1和Ex.2,不允许翻书,提醒学生应用语法填空题和完形填空题的答题技巧,先独立完成,然后小组讨论疑难问题,最后老师对答案,点拨余留问题。( automatically = over and over again , in spite of = despite ) ( 8 minutes )
3. Discovering useful structures 进入it的用法学习:T: Besides some important words and expressions, from the reading we can also learn some sentences with “it”. Please underline them and learn about them. 先让学生自己寻找并理解“it”在句中的指代意思,然后小组探究答案。句子如下:(5 minutes)
Paragraph 1:
1)It’s a beautiful day here.
2)It’s amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.
3)It’s my birthday in two weeks time.
Paragraph 2:
4)I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how hard it is to stop.
Paragraph 4:
5)It was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.
6)I knew it was time to quit smoking.
Paragraph 5:
7)I am sending you some advice I found on the internet. It might help you to stop.
Page 19:
8)It isn’t easy to stop smoking.
9)It has been found that some people have to try several times before they finally stop smoking.
4. 归纳与总结(20minutes) T: What other uses of “it” do you know? Please give us examples. In groups of 4, think of it and exchange your ideas. (After 5 minutes) 叫3-5组代表归纳it的用法,后面发言的同学不重复同样用法。然后,老师用幻灯片展示例句,引导学生分类归纳(it的基本用法,常用的it is…句型及固定搭配)。突出重点用法:
1) It is (was)+ 被强调成分 + that (who\ whom )+ 句子的其它成分
2) It’s + adj. of/for sb. to do sth
3) It is no use/good doing sth
It is fun doing sth
5. Written practice (笔头练习10 minutes)
Combine each pair of sentences into one by using “it”. 要求学生做在草稿纸上,订正后再抄写在书上。
Rewrite the following sentences, using “It’s … ”
1) I’m still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon. That is amazing.
→It is amazing that I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.
2) My father has quit smoking. That is wonderful.
→It is wonderful that my father has quit smoking.
3) You could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking. ( It is likely).
→It is likely that you could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.
4) China produces one third of the world’s cigarettes. It is reported.
→It is reported that China produces one third of the world’s cigarettes.
5) Bird flu(禽流感) hit China again. That is known to us.
→It is known to us that bird flu(禽流感) hit China again.
6) Li Yuchun got more than one million yuan for the advertisement. People say that.
→It is said that Li Yuchun got more than one million yuan for the advertisement.
7) Some young people think that they look attractive when they smoke. It seems that…
→It seems that some young people think they look attractive when they smoke.
8) I should make my family happy. I think it is my duty.
  →I think it (is ) my duty to make my family happy.
9) He died during the Second World War. ( It is \was… that…)
→It was during the Second World War that he died.
6. Advice on learning grammar: (学习语法的建议)
Learning grammar is not difficult.
Never be afraid of grammar;
Collect some examples;
Watch them very carefully;
Find out something in common;
Try to use the rules ---- practice.
7. Homework (布置作业)
1) Review what we have learnt in this class.
2) Finish some written exercises of “it”. (课后复习资料及巩固练习)
8. 教学反思:
课堂实施结果: 1) 教师能完成预计的教学目的,学生也能掌握本节课三个教             学目标: 巩固所学的词汇;归纳it的用法(it的基本用法,常用的it is (was) …句型及固定搭配);学会用it描述图画和改写句型。
2) 课堂气氛较活跃,学生们能主动进行课堂讨论,自主探究得出老师所提问题的答案。另外,从学生的课堂表现来看,他们的课前复习和预习工作做得令人满意。
            3)课后有学生提出问题:“it”做形式主语时,有时替代to do sth., 有时替代doing sth., 他们只能死记硬背,希望老师能引导他们更有效地记忆。这点是老师课前没考虑到的,下节课要补上。
Book 6 Unit 3  Learning about Language
automatically = over and over again
in spite of = despite
1) It is (was)+ 被强调成分 + that (who\ whom )+ 句子的其它成分
2) It’s + adj. of/for sb. to do sth
3) It is no use/good doing sth
It is fun doing sth
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