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B2 U4 The 1st Period 教学设计
15-04-16 09:48:15   来源:    点击:
Book 2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection
The 1st period: Warming up&Listening&Talking教学设计
设计教师:梅州市曾宪梓中学   邹俊芳
   课题名称:Book 2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection
课型:Listening and Speaking
教材版本:普通高中课程标准试验教科书 (选修2)
规划课题----英语单元(模块)教学整体设计研究,本节课的课型是Listening and Speaking, 把Warming up及Workbook中的Listening和 Talking的内容整合成一节“听说课”,从而整体训练学生的听说能力。这种整体训练法与高考的英语听说能力训练相结合,帮助学生了解和熟悉高考的英语听说考试的要求。
本节课教学内容是Listening and Speaking,分为Warming up 和 Workbook的Listening 和 Talking三部分,旨在通过教学帮助学生了解哪些野生动物面临濒危或灭绝,明确保护野生动物的原因、方向、做法及重要性,从而有效地、整体地引导学生关注本单元的话题,关注动物生存现状,为下节课学习Reading做好整体的准备。
Three Dimensional Teaching Aims三维教学目标
1.     Knowledge and skill语言技能
1)     Guide the students to learn some important words and phrases:
die out  loss  reserve  hunt  zone  in peace  wild  decrease  hunting
2) Enable the students to talk about endangered wildlife, the reasons for disappearing and the importance of protecting wildlife.
3) Help the students learn to talk about endangered wildlife, the reasons for disappearing and the importance of protecting wildlife.
2. Process and Strategies学习策略
1)     Group work or individual work to involve the students in a heated discussion.
2)     Careful listening to acquire what the students need to know.
3.     Feelings and Value情感态度:
By listening and speaking the students may have a better understanding of what we
will learn in this unit and what we should do to protect wildlife.
Teaching important point教学重点
How to talk about endangered species of wildlife and environmental protection and how to express refusing and give reasons.
Teaching Difficult Points教学难点
1.     Enable the students to listen and understand what others’ problems are.
2.     Enable the students to give some advice on how to help others solve the problems.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Elicitation, discussion, pair work, ask-and-answer activity, listening and speaking.
Teaching aids 教具准备
The Multimedia Computer, a projector, a board and a tape recorder.
Teaching procedures & ways  教学过程与方式
Step ILead-in
Get the students to talk about some endangered animals to lead them to this unit’s topic. (展示幻灯片)
T: Can you tell me the names of the animals in English?
  What do you think of animals?
  Do you love animals? Which is your favorite? Why?
Step IIWarming up
T: Watch the following pictures and think over the following questions. (展示幻灯片)
   Q1: What are they?
   Q2: How are they at present?
   Q3: Why are animals in danger?
   Q4: Why are these animals in danger or dying out?
T: Next, read through the words in Warming up.
Get students to talk about the report in Warming up in pair.
T: Today, more and more people realize the importance of protecting endangered wildlife. Here is a report on some endangered wildlife in China. Next, read the report. Then discuss with your partner about these animals. You may refer to the following aspects: 1. What the endangered animals are; 2. What the problem is; 3. List one of their habitats in China; 4. How the animal is after concern
Four minutes for free talk, then ask some students to share their opinions with the whole class.
Sample conversation:
S1: What endangered animal do you know?
S2: Our National Treasure—Pandas.
S1: What’s the problem?
S2: They are in danger for lack of bamboo, but recently their number is increasing because more bamboo has been grown.
S1: It’s said that although China was the only home for Milu Deer, we brought them from England.
S2: Yes. They disappeared in China because of too much hunting. What a pity!
S1: So do South China Tiger. They are said to be fierce but some hunters are fiercer!
S2: I cannot agree with you any more.
T: Well done!
Step IIIListening
Get the students to do LISTENING on Page 62. Help them learn more about wildlife problems.
T: You know so much about wildlife. You must care about them very much. In fact, people around the world care about these endangered animals. They write to some experts and tell about their worry about the wildlife around them. Aunty Gladys is such a writer who usually answers these letters. Now, come to LISTENING on Page 62. And find out what the problems people worry about.
First, get the students to look though the questions in Listening. Play the tape for the students and ask them to listen to the tape carefully. While listening, the students should grasp the key words and get the main idea. Then play the tape once more. After that, let the students answer the questions and check the answers together. Sum up the useful expressions in the material (about environmental protection). Later, play the tape a third time for them to write down the main idea of the passage. At last, check the answers with the whole class.
Step IVTalking
Get students to do TALKING on Page 62. Help them discuss what people can do to help the endangered animals.
T: Next, let’s come to TALKING on Page 62. In pairs discuss what advice you might give to one of these worried letter writers. You can write notes of your ideas in the boxes below.
Show the useful expressions on the screen. You can give a model. It’s up to the English level of your students.
Step VDiscussing (Consolidation)
Help the students discuss what they have learned today and encourage them to talk about the importance of wildlife protection.
T: What did we learn today?
S: Endangered wildlife.
S: What their problems are.
S: What have been done to them…
T: Animals are our friends. We live depending on each other. We should protect them. What do you think about this?
S: Animals are our friends. It’s a shame that man killed wildlife for their fur. We don’t have the right to kill them.
S: I’ll talk with people around me seriously. I’ll tell them that I’m so sorry that so many animals are in danger now. The problem is that if man doesn’t realize the dangerous situation, many of the animals will die out soon. We should try to protect endangered animals. I’ll collect some information about wildlife protection and show the information to people around us.
Step VIHomework
T: Boys and girls you did very well today. I hope you can listen to the listening material again after class to get familiar with it. And here is your homework:
   1. Finish the exercises of using words and expressions on Page63 & Page64.
   2. Preview Reading and Comprehending.
1.     教师能完成预计的教学目的,从学生的反应来看他们能掌握本节课三个教学目标,实现了三个部分内容的整体教学效果。
2.     课堂气氛较活跃,尤其是在Warming up部分,学生们能主动进行课堂讨论,自主探究得出老师所提问题的答案。另外,从学生的课堂表现来看,他们的课前复习和预习工作做得令人满意。
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